I want to prepare for iit jam phy ..plz tell me about iitjam syllabus cutoff And how I will start my preparation...
Dear Aspirant,
given below is the syllabus for IIT Jam Physics,
Mathematical Methods
Calculus of Single and Multiple Variables, Taylor Expansion, Partial Derivatives, Jacobian, Fourier Series, Imperfect and Perfect Differentials, Vector Algebra, Vector Calculus, Multiple Integrals, Green's Theorem, Divergence Theorem, Stokes' Theorem, Matrices and Determinants, Algebra of Complex Numbers, First Order Equations and Linear Second Order Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients
Mechanics and General Properties of Matter
Velocity and Acceleration in Cartesian, Centrifugal and Coriolis Forces, Uniformly Rotating Frame, Kepler's Laws, Motion under a Central Force, Newton's Laws of Motion and Applications, Polar and Cylindrical Coordinate Systems, Gravitational Law and Field, Conservative and Non-Conservative Forces. Equation of Motion of the CM System of Particles, Center of Mass, Conservation of Linear and Angular Momentum, Elastic and Inelastic Collisions. Conservation of Energy, Variable Mass Systems.
Oscillations, Waves and Optics
Superposition of two or more Simple Harmonic Oscillators, Differential Equation for Simple Harmonic Oscillator and its General Solution, Damped and Forced Oscillators, Resonance, Lissajous Figures, Energy Density and Energy Transmission in Waves, Wave Equation, Traveling and Standing Waves in One-Dimension, Doppler Effect, Fermat's Principle, Group Velocity and Phase Velocity. Sound Waves in Media
Electricity and Magnetism
Superposition of two or more Simple Harmonic Oscillators, Differential Equation for Simple Harmonic Oscillator and its General Solution, Damped and Forced Oscillators, Resonance, Lissajous Figures, Energy Density and Energy Transmission in Waves, Wave Equation, Traveling and Standing Waves in One-Dimension, Doppler Effect, Fermat's Principle, Group Velocity and Phase Velocity. Sound Waves in Media
Kinetic theory, Thermodynamics
Elements of Kinetic Theory of Gases, Specific Heat of Mono-, Di- and Triatomic Gases, Velocity Distribution and Equipartition of Energy, Ideal Gas, Van-Der-Waals Gas and Equation of State, Mean Free Path, Carnot Cycle, Zeroth Law and Concept of Thermal Equilibrium, Reversible, Irreversible and Quasi-Static Processes, First Law and its Consequences, Second Law and Entropy, Laws of Thermodynamics, Isothermal and Adiabatic Processes
Modern Physics
Postulates of Special Relativity. Lorentz Transformations. Inertial Frames and Galilean Invariance, Time Dilation, Length Contraction, Relativistic Velocity Addition Theorem, Mass Energy Equivalence, Blackbody Radiation, Photoelectric Effect, Compton Effect, Bohr's Atomic Model, X-rays.
Solid State Physics, Devices and Electronics
Crystal Structure, Miller Indices. X-Ray Diffraction and Bragg's Law, Bravais Lattices and Basis, Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors, Variation of Resistivity with Temperature, Fermi Level. P-N Junction Diode, I-V Characteristics, BJT, Characteristics in CB, CE, CC Modes, Zener Diode and its Applications.
When it comes to preparation, you follow some of tips given below,
- Manage your time efficiently as it is very crucial
- Make notes of all the important formulas and points, it will be easier when you do revision
- Make a study plan for each day and stick to it
- Leave ample time for revision
- Practice and solve previous years question papers as it will give you an idea as to how the questions are asked
For more details kindly visit the link given below.
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