I write icet entrance exam for MCA distance education??
Answer (1)
It's not clear you're talking about which ICET (whether it's AP ICET or TSICET), anyway as your question is related to distance Education in MCA, I presume it's related to Osmania University, if it's so then yes it conducts its own entrance test named ICET which is Integrated Common Entrance Test for admission to MCA in distance mode.
It's not clear you're talking about which ICET (whether it's AP ICET or TSICET), anyway as your question is related to distance Education in MCA, I presume it's related to Osmania University, if it's so then yes it conducts its own entrance test named ICET which is Integrated Common Entrance Test for admission to MCA in distance mode.
1 Comment
Comments (1)
yes! I m talking about both states icet which is conducted entrance test named ICET for doing distance MCA course is it conducting entrance exam for distance learning also?? this my question