If i am absent in my additional subject and get passed in rest of 5 subjects then i get failed in cbse class 12?
Hey Manish
I am also gonna remain absent for my sixth subject exam .I wanted to drop it but I was told that isn’t something you can do in 12th so My vice principal in fact suggested that I remain absent as it is the only option and it will not in any way hamper my college admissions or results it’s just that you will be marked absent.So ya it’s not an issue tho I would like to know are you still doing it or you changed your mind.
Hi Manish,
Not to worry you will not fail in 12th cbse if you are absent or fail in any subject except English or Hindi.As English and Hindi are most easy and basic subjects these two are mandatory to pass.If you fail in any one subject like Maths,Phy,Chem or additional subject then also in your result "PASS" will be written and your percentage will be calculated with best 5 subjects.
Hope this will help,please feel free to ask if you have any further queries.
Thank You.
In that case, you will.be marked absent for the exam. A re-examination may be conducted for you or you may be given the result of the rest five subjects. This varies and depends on different boards of education. But, to apply into any of the competitive examinations and entrance examinations, you may need an aggregate of 50-55% marks to be eligible to apply. So, be careful about this and then decide.
Hope this helps.
Good luck!