If I am not fail in any subject will my marks out of best 5 including IT will it replace the marks of the low subject
Under the CBSE Best of Five rule, your final percentage is calculated using your top five subjects. If you score higher in Information Technology (IT) than in another subject, your IT marks can replace the lower-scoring subject in the calculation. This helps in maximizing your overall percentage.
Hello Sunitha,
Yes, many boards follow the
Best 5 rule
, where your total percentage is calculated using the
best 5 subjects
(including IT, if allowed by your board).
Key Points:
IT is a main/elective subject
, it can replace a lower-scoring subject.
Some boards
don’t allow
IT to replace core subjects (like English/Science/Math).
Always check your
board's marking policy
to confirm.
I hope this answer helps you. If you have more queries then feel free to share your questions with us we will be happy to assist you.
Thank you and wishing you all the best for your bright future.