If I change my branch from diploma in mechanical engineering to btech in computer science engineering will I face problem during placement?
What I think here is there would be a definite question in your interview regarding this ,because mechanical and CSE don't overlap as such.So it's obvious for any person to be intrigued by this , but as far as you can convince others that you had a serious mind change and are passionate enough about CSE and are surely interested to pursue it then go for it .I can give you an example of Sundar Pichai he has a degree in Metallurgy but is CEO of a software giant , so it was his interest and passion about computers that took him to great heights, so if you are passionate enough just give it a shot.
P.S: IF you are taking up CSE only for placements and are not interested then you should reconsider your decision.

No, you are not going to face any problem in the future because in the first year everyone irrespective of branch have to study the same syllabus.
It won't create any problems during placements. The diploma course is just like your 10+2. So it doesn't matter whichever branch you take in Btech since in order to get a good college for Btech you'll have to appear for various competitive exams and you'll have to study from the very first year of college. Most of the other students would have done 10+2 and many of them won't have much knowledge of the subject. So there's nothing to worry.
Not really.
Most probably in all colleges the first year curriculum is same across all branches. So even cse 1st year students are studying the same subjects as you in the mechanical field. Then it classifeis into various specialisations from 2nd year. So no. No impact should be there. Unless the company specifies.
All the bes