If NEET 2022 is cancelled in Tamil Nadu , what marks will be taken for admission selection in Madras Medical College (MMC) ?
So far there hasn't been a case when NEET wasn't conducted, especially if you have a look at last year or even this year for that matter not only NEET but even other national level exam such as JEE Main was conducted (of course with all the precautions being taken) even amidst the pandemic, moreover last year even those candidates who missed NEET on the first schedule were given opportunity to appear for the second time, in fact from last year itself NEET has become the sole gateway for admission to undergraduate medical science courses such as MBBS/BDS/Ayush etc, if next year NEET takes place as per the usual schedule then there is still more than eight and half months left, and if at all NEET is cancelled (hypothetically speaking though the chances seem quite nil) it shall impact the admission process of medical colleges all over India, MMC is one of the top medical college, if we go through previous year data for general category the cut-off has been 618 through home state quota and 640 through AIQ, of course this year cut-offs can get increased by 40-50 marks, it's tough to make predictions regarding the alternative method and marks required for the same, as it is to even think of admission of medical science courses without NEET, hence don't go by these assumptions, just focus on your studies and preparation of the exam if you intend to appear for the same,
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