if rank is 3630 in ap eamcet . can i get any free seat in andhra university. if his category is sc.
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Candidates belonging to SC category with family's annual income up to 2.5 lakhs will get full fee reimbursement which is also known as free seat. If your family's income is above 2.5 lakhs then also you will get free seat as you have a rank below 10,000. Candidates with rank below 10,000 will get free seat. And considering the cut off in 2018 you have chances of getting seat in Bio-tecnology, Ceramic Engineering, Chemical, CSE, ECE, EEE, Mechanical, Geo informatics, IT, Nano materials Engineering in AU College of Engineering, Vizag. Cut off changes depending on number of candidates qualified, difficulty of exam and number of seats available etc.
You can use our AP EAMCET college predictor to know the colleges in which you may get seat
The cut off is as follows for Andhra University, Visakhapatnam for SC category for each branch
Biotechnology: 28883
CSE: 18324
ECE: 7204
MECH: 8914
Metallurgy: 17162
CER: 28377
CPE: 23014
So depending on the branch you are interested in you need to score the minimum cut off marks.However, cut off is subjected to change it may increase or decrease slightly.
IST: 26390
NAM: 43324
Hello aspirant,
Based on the rank you scored and taking your category into consideration you can surely expect a seat in branches like Ece, Eee, mechanical, civil and any other group of your choice.But for cse the previous year cutoff was observed at a rank 3500.You can try for it as the cutoffs vary from year to year.
Go through the following link for more details regarding the college,
Hope this helps
Good luck
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