Ignou 2020 part1 session exam kab hoga abhi tak exam form nahi bhare hai
Which course have you enrolled in, is it semester wise or yearly, and moreover you have enrolled in which session January or July, and prior to appearing for the exam you are required to submit your assignments, and moreover in 2020 and 2021 the first year students of bachelor and master's degree course were promoted, hence they were exempted from appearing in term end exam, right now December 2021 TEE is due, application form for the same is over, if you were promoted in first year, then you have to appear for second year, in June 2022 or December 2022 as per your course cycle, kindly check your grade card if you were promoted or not at https://admission.ignou.ac.in/changeadmdata/admissionstatusnew.asp, you will be required to enter your enrollment number and programme code, and you will be directed towards a page where you can view the details, if you still have any doubts I would request you to elaborate on your query like which session you enrolled in, programme code etc so that I can help you with relevant information for the same.