IGNOU BCA best colleges suggest.
Firstly to clarify you IGNOU doesn't own any colleges . There aren't any colleges under IGNOU like Delhi university.
After admission from IGNOU you will be assigned centre according to your preference and it could be in any colleges.
Regional Centre of IGNOU is meant to be a Centre established or maintained by the University for coordinating and supervising the work of the Study Centres in different regions and for performing other functions as expected by the University.
IGNOU has 21 schools and a network of 67 regional centres, 2667 study centres, and 29 overseas centres (in 15 countries). Approximately 20% of all students enrolled in higher education in India are enrolled with IGNOU.
IGNOU also known as Indira Gandhi National Open University offers distance learning programmes.
Hope this helps!!!
First of all there are regional centres in all states for IGNOU, and under it there are multitude of study centre, now students usually take admission as per their hometown district and I'm talking this for those who aren't working professionals, things might be different if they are, so while taking admission you have to choose your regional centre and under it you'll be offered options of colleges which offer the specific course,in your case that's BCA, usually classes are conducted here only on weekends, things might be different due to this pandemic, now coming to your question there is no such thing as best colleges of IGNOU as any course you pursue is done through distance mode, yes faculty are there for guide as I mentioned classes are held but other than it's purely self-efforts through distance mode.