I'm confused what to do after my engineering as my stream is electrical, please suggest me a path what exam should i prepare for my future
Dear, you can prepare for GATE exam through the gate you can apply for PSU as per your marks in gate exam. Another path is you can apply for government exams. There are various government exams that you can give and get it very raputated job Or you can do higher degree.
All the best
Hello AYSHA,
See Job opportunities for EEE are quite low nowadays only ME and CSE /IT are growing if you would try well then you might get job. But if your not interested in doing the job and if you want to further exams than Following are the lists of exam :
Gate :
If you score too well in GATE then some companies appoint you just on the basic of your GATE score. Also you get chance to do M.TECH in better colleges.
GRE is another exam for studying abroad in countries like AMERICA, GERMANY, CANADA, IRELAND, NEW ZEALAND etc. If you score good marks then you get scholarships on the basis of your marks also. and
FYI Germany
is the best country to do MS.
Are the only last chances but are good options to get into government jobs and at respectable scale.
Hope this helps
Ping me for any other queries in comment box.
The first option for you is that you can take jobs which you will get in placement.And if not then you will have endless number of opinion like:
Government jobs (SSC/BANKING/RAILWAYS)
These are some good options for you.Now, its upto you where your interest kies and what excites you more.You should always choose what your interest is.
I hope this helps.
You have many opportunities after engineering. Some of them are-
1-GATE - Graduate Aptitude test in Engineering.- Only do when you have good numerical solving Ability, and your core concepts are clear.
2 -IES- Indian Engineering Services- when you are enjoying your subjects your basics are clear and you have much sufficient time to work on it, you have good learning capacity.
3-State exams or SSC JE: Again Basucs+ GS+Aptitude should be strong.
5:-private jobs, MBA