I'm final degree student. I want to apply for a cat exam,how to include my degree percentage in the application
Hi Paur! While filling the application form you have to enter the aggregate marks you have obtained so far. At the time of admission, you should have completed your graduation with at least 50% (General) and 45% (reserved) aggregate marks or equivalent CGPA.
Hi Paur,
Actually, you don’t need to. You can fill the aggregate marks of the first four semesters and it should fulfil the eligibility criteria of CAT 2018 i.e. at least 50% marks in aggregate for General category and 45% for reserved categories. The registration for CAT 2018 is starting from August 8. You can register for the exam online from the official website of the exam. To know the step-by-step process for CAT registration and to fill the application form, visit the link below:
How to fill the CAT application form?
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Hope that’s helpful. All the best.
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