I'm studying currently in class 12 and I want to do BBA and MBA in H.R. so what's the procedure?
If you mention your stramthat would be more helpful but imI answering for all the science, arts and commerce .. if you are from commerce then great .. just need to work little bit on maths , it you are from science then you have to work on Accountancy , if you are from arts thrn work on both .. as bba needs maths and stat in 1st year and accountancy in every year every sem .. work hard to get good marks on 12th as 80% of the top bba colleges admission depends on your 12th score .. Top college for bba -
- Christ University
- IIM Indore
- Sahid Sukdev DU
- Symbiosis Pune
- Nmims
- MCC Chennai
- Ims noida
- Mount Carmel
- Amity
- Srm
The Christ, Sahid Sukdev, Symbiosis, Nmims have their own exam other colleges admission based on your score .. if your target is hr the you need to improve your communication skills. Take part in debate , quize etc be active
Then you have to appear for the cat for IIMs , xat for Xaviers, Snap for Symbiosis, Nmat for Nmims , Iift for iifts , Gmat for foreign country . For HR you have to be very good communication skills and knowledge , you have to be very active ..
Top mba colleges for mba hr -
- Tiss
- IIM Ranchi
- Mdi
- Nmims
- Sibm
- Sp jain
You have to score above 95% to get into these colleges
Hope it helps you
All the best

BBA is 3 year Course which will Give you Complete Graduation in Business Administration.
After Completing BBA, U might not need to Go for any entrance Exam for Getting admission into MBA.
MBA will help you in completing Human Resource.
Firstly focus on the boards and get good marks.
After that get admission in a good college and complete BBA from there.Keep in mind that there ar various college that offer full 5 year course for bba and mba both so if you want to get in those type of colleges then its fine but on the other hand you have another option is that you can complete bba and in meantime prepare for CAT, and get a good %ile and get admission in top MBA colleges where you can get great placements with handsome salary.
Choose wisely.
I hope this helps.