In engineering , which course has more valuable? Please answer my question.
Present I am pursuing 3rd year of engineering, when i was in first year same as you also struk with this dilemma.Till this date you know your skill and intrest in areas which you are studied in science subjects like chemistry and physics.
Now analyze your intrest and go through on with focus and your join. Don't think about placements we are in developing country technology will change continuously and opportunities will never end.
But Don't compromise in choosing branch because it is so difficult to sustain in other department where there is no interest on choose wisely and enjoy your career.
All the best lalitha

Hello Kavitha,
Engineering is a vast stream in which by choosing cse, ec, eee, etc.. we are just sliding to specific domain, so that we can gain knowledge in that specific zone and lead well. Each stream has it own flourishing advancements so there is always good opening for all courses which fall under engineering.
Engineering is an evergreen subject and tend to gain everending advancements.
Try to stick to your region of interest which will only help you to stick well with your subject.
This is the common question asked by almost everyone before persuing engineering from any particular branch.
Firstly i would highlight that every branch has its own importance in the future. If any one branch is diminished the engineering would be incomplete.
Computer Science - We all know that without computers we cannot imagine our life. All the works that are being performed automatically would stop.
Electronics - It provides power to the whole world. So it has a great importance.
Civil - The house we live in and the roads we drive on are all because of civil engineers.
Mechanical - Machine that we use to make our work easy in our hectic schedule and the vehicle we drive are all because of mechanical engineers.
But i would suggest you to opt Computer Science stream. All its importance and scope for future has already been discussed.
I hope this would help you. For further queries please feel free to write me down in the comment.
Hey Rani,
Currently I'm Pursuing CSE and one thing is for sure. Education System is up to the mark in my university AKTU which has Nearly a decade old syllabus. Its on Us to develop our skills. Everything is theoretical nothing is practical. Most valuable Branch You should choose is among the Core Branches. Cuz they are the real engineering. CSE/IT is for those who are interested in Computers not For the One Running Behind Placements. So If Placement is your priority rather then education then better Don't choose Engineering.
Good luck
Thanks for raising your concern