In which engineering scope is more
Engineering is a vast area and it has variety of disciplines where you can pursue your career ..
Here I will talk about 3 major fields of engineering where you can find a ever growing scope.
1.Mechanical Engineering- This is a branch where you learn about the design, analyze, manufacture, and maintain mechanical systems . Every manufacturing industry has mechanical engineers who look after the production in the industry. It is a 4 year undergraduate course. You need to have done 10+2 Science with Physics , Chemistry & Mathematics.
2.Biotechnology- This is a new and latest form of engineering which combines the biology and Technology to design and manufacture of products. This is a feild where you will be able to research and innovate in the feild of science
It is a 4 year undergraduate course. You need to have done 10+2 Science with Physics , Chemistry & Mathematics along with Biology
3.Computer/IT- With the increase in digitilization day to day in India you can not neglect the importance of it. The development and smooth running of softwares are ensured by computer engineers.It is a 4 year undergraduate course. You need to have done 10+2 Science with Physics , Chemistry & Mathematics.
Thank you
i feel right now is cs ,it , civil,extc
In day to day life we are observing new technical changes which are making our life easy and beautiful. All these technological changes are due to engineers and in that also cse engineers I am not saying that other branch has less scope bt cse has quite more scope
We often get a common answer which Computer Science. Yes, you read it right.
Also, not just plain CSE now, but Cse with some specialization are working as cherry on the top of a cake.
THE FUTURE IS CLOUD! Everything is getting on cloud. Cloud? Cloud Computing. A very demanding field. With lot of job opportunities.
Hello Bhushan ,
Nowadays , Computer science is the upcoming stream . So , most opportunites are available in that stream . However , you must select the stream for which you are interested .
Hope this helps.
HI! in the present CSE stream has more scope for geting good placements .
According to me it is not something like particular branch of engineering has more scope than other.Every branch has equal opportunities to be exhibited.But if we see in general CSE(Computer Science and Engineering) branch has more scope because this is an age of computers and everyone likes advancements.This field has more jobs always with high salaries even.
In the current scenario, for freshers CS , ECE & IT has more scope. Most of the placement recruiting is now available for these branches. Since other core trades such as mechanical and civil demands experience there is a time lag for getting placed. But more over than all these for a good career, all that matter is yourfield of interest.
See it totally depends upon you and your character traits and interest.
If you are good in mathematics and you like studying maths then surely go for CSE or IT or EEE.
If you are good in physics and you like studying physics then surely go for mechanical engineering.
If you are good in chemistry and you like studying chemistry then surely go for chemical engineering.
See what I believe is you could have found these options on the internet too so now what I m going to tell you is a bit different
CSE has the highest number of job opportunities in private sector even though if you apply at google or apple your resume has a high probability of getting shortlisted(also it depends on your resume).
Many people will suggest do what you are interested in according to me they lack in experience or they have very little about practical life going out there.
90% of people will give you the example of Sundar Pichai who holds a degree in metallurgy engineering but is still a CEO of google inc but my question is give me the name of 500 personalities like Sundar Pichai I can give you 500 names of CSE engineers securing a job more than 10 LPA in an MNC or Google (every year).
So the rest all depends upon you what is your goal and which kind of job would interest you so,
Choose wisely.
See it totally depends upon you and your character traits and interest.
If you are good in mathematics and you like studying maths then surely go for CSE or IT or EEE.
If you are good in physics and you like studying physics then surely go for mechanical engineering.
If you are good in chemistry and you like studying chemistry then surely go for chemical engineering.
see what I believe is you could have found these options on the internet too so now what I m going to tell you is a bit different
CSE has the highest number of job opportunities in private sector even though if you apply at google or apple your resume has a high probability of getting shortlisted(also it depends on your resume).
Many people will suggest do what you are interested in according to me they lack in experience or they have very little about practical life going out there.
90% of people will give you the example of Sundar Pichai who holds a degree in metallurgy engineering but is still a CEO of google inc but my question is give me the name of 500 personalities like Sundar Pichai I can give you 500 names of CSE engineers securing a job more than 10 LPA in an MNC or Google (every year).
so the rest all depends upon you what is your goal and which kind of job would interest you so,
Choose wisely.
Well all the branches are interconnected to each other, we all need the support and help of various branches.Well you must evaluate yourself where your interest lies. Maybe in Electrical, Mechanical,Civil and so many. Just explore your interest and give your best in everything you choose.
All the best buddy :)
You asked that in which stream there is a scope. I want to say that every stream has a scope. Like computer science people go for coding; electrical,civil, mechanical people go for competitive exams but some do job also.
So, I want to say that go in that field which you like.
The interest of the person depends on the person himself. The scope of engineering is very broad, one must have little knowledge of every part , but a huge knowledge of any particular specialised part. Civil engineering, Electrical engineering, Computer science Engineering, Information Technology Engineering, Electronics And Telecommunications Engineering, Electronics & Instrumentation are some of the names of the different departments of Engineering.
One can choose and go through any section of engineering, ony what required is your enthusiasm, interest and hardwork towards it.
So Keep Learning,
Happy Engineering.
Hello Bhushan,
Its not about branch, Its about your skills,talent and most important thing that matters is your INTEREST.
As you are going to pursue that for rest of your life.
If you are in a good and reputed college, then each and every branch have equal amount of scope. All that matters are the three things that I have mentioned earlier.
In case you don’t have any interest in any branch or any field, and you have just opted engineering for good money. Then go for Computer Science or Information Technology branch.
These branch are having maximum scope and jobs now days, As the whole world is getting digitized.
But again this also require skills and talent. But there is a good point in opting these branches.
You can develop your skills by doing hard work and study.
The only thing that is required is “LOGIC'S”.
choose your branch carefully, so that you don’t have to regret later.
Thank you!!
Hello Bhushan
See engineering is a really comprehensive stream which offers so many options. All the streams in engineering are quite important for their part, however considering the latest trends - Robotics, IT, CSE, Electronics and Communicatoin, Instrumentation etc are some streams which may rise due to the upcoming technical boom in the automation world.
Besides these the core branches such as - Chemical, Electrical, Mechanical, Civil etc are such that their importance is never gonna vanquish.
So basically, all the streams offer a lot of scope Bhushan, it all comes down to which stream interests you and where you can excel.
Hope this helps
All the best !
So its all based upon how well you "learn" your engineering and not how well you "study" your engineering. So its better if you can choose a engineering course of your interest maybe automobiles, electronics or whatever is your interest is.
After all there is a separate Engineering branch for anything and everything you wanna become.
All the best.
computer science , genetics engineering, food processing, bio technology,mechanical ,Aerospace Engineering ,Electrical ,civil engineering ect... all the branches are having good scope in present and future and all you is to choose according to your passion and interset.
Most of us go through the same dilemma after clearing different entrance exams. Career options for medical and arts students are relatively clear, however, a lot of thought goes into choosing the right branch in engineering.
Most students go by the job prospects of the field while making this decision, interest and aptitude could get ignored in the process. Besides the most popular branches like Mechanical, Computer, Electrical and Civil, there are numerous other engineering branches like Chemical, Biotechnology, Aeronautical, Industrial, Instrumentation, Marine, etc. which have a good scope
Explore all the fields of engineering and find out which interests you.If you choose the stream which you are interested in ,then you can excel and go to greater heights.According to me CSE,EEE ,ECE,IT, MECHANICAL are evergreen fields .
Hope this helps
All the best
All evergreen fields will always be in demand like Mechanical, EC, Civil, IT, etc. But all of them will change rapidly.
And as far as future is concerned,below fields have more opportunities.They will grow like Automobile and IT has grown in past century.
As per my opinion,fields of future are Robotics,Biotech,Water engineering,Aerospace,Environment,Waste management, etc.
Good luck.

You have a great scope in ECE and MECH. As you can go even for a core job or shift into software side due to plenty of jobs in software.
Bhushan branch doesn't matters much wjat matters is your skills and how much dedicated you are towards your branch of study.
Nowadays CSE is very much in demand but it doesn't means that it has the best scope.
Everything depends on your skills
All the best