Is CAT Examination very difficult?
It depends on what you call toughWhats your definition of toughness??
If difficulty level of questions is what determines the toughness for you, then yes CAT is a tough exam.
But how does the difficulty level of questions matter in an exam where final scores are in percentiles???
Difficulty level of questions or the percentage score is considered in the exams where there remains a fixed cutoff and variable no of seats like CA exam but for any exam with limited seats and variable cut-off, it is the competition that makes the difference. Exams like CAT, UPSC, SSC etc
So, if you are concerned with the difficulty level of the question, you should shift your focus on the competition BECAUSE Competition is what that matters in CAT exam.
About 2.5 lakhs people fight for about 2500 seats (for general candidates) in Top MBA colleges including IIM ABCLI, FMS, IITs.
Apart from these there are tier-2 colleges which also provides decent placements and good future promise.
So, approximately top 8000 - 10,000 students gets into a decent MBA college (tier-1 or tier -2)
This means that approximately only 1% students gets into Top MBA colleges and about 4% students get into decent colleges.
Now, here lies 2 different perspectives:-
4% students10,000 students
4% appears very low and a scary percentage. Any aspirant would loose hope if he gets to know that only 34% students get good colleges.
I hope it will help you
Good luck.....

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