Is H.C Verma a good book for medical exams like AIPMT and AIIMS?
Preparing for AIIMS and NEET needs a lot of dedication and planning. The syllabus is vast so it would be wise to follow a structured and steady approach in course coverage. Focus more on clearing fundamentals of Physics, Chemistry and Biology subjects. Understand the concept, only then move to the depth of a particular topic. The student who is serious about cracking NEET/AIIMS must also keep giving mock tests and practice MCQ tests based on class XI and XII syllabus along with subjective mock tests for boards.
**Biology - **All topics are important and should be prepared thoroughly though there have been more questions from the Human Physiology, Plant Physiology, Cell Biology, Ecology, Biomolecules, Biotechnology as per the questions asked in past years exams. After completing any topic, the objective questions should be solved and one must go through previous year question booklet of the same topic as it will developed depth of the studied topic.
**Chemistry - **Physical Chemistry is about clearing concepts and implementing these concepts and procedures by solving maximum MCQs. Inorganic chemistry is more about facts and little about concepts. Students take the advantage of cramming ability in this section. Some topics like Coordination chemistry and P Block chemistry are important and candidates must try to solve their questions again and again for command over this section.
Organic chemistry is very demanding and candidates must clarity of concepts. First of all start with NCERT but to prepare a bit extra consult other relevant books also. When your concepts are clear, start doing MCQs on simple concepts and then try for tougher questions.
**Physics -** Candidates finds Physics as tough paper because of the variety of theories and mathematical problems. This subject is not only about derivatives and formulas but only through the right applications of the same can lead to slution of problems. Therefore, one must have form command over theoritical concepts and its derivations. Tpics on which candidates must focus are work, energy and power, system of particle and rotational motion and gravitation ,thermal properties of matter and thermodynamics, electric potential and capacitance , electromagnetic induction and alternating current, atom, nuclei and semiconductors.
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