is NEET registration number and application number same ? If not how can we find our registration number?
Hey there
Yes NEET registration number and application number are same which is generated at the time of registering for NEET 2021.
For finding registration number follow the procedure given below:
- Visit a
- Click on the find application number in the linked NEET UG 2021
- Enter all the details as asked while filling NEET application form.
- Also enter all the personal details
- After submitting you will get registration number on the registered mobile number.
For all details related to NEET click on below link:
Hello candidate,
Here are the steps in order to download the neet registration number and application number-
1. First of all, in the NEET-UG registration process fill in the details in a specific manner, and a password must also be created as per the given specifications which will be the password for all future login.
2. Now, a provisional application number will be generated after registration for NEET 2021 login. This will be the user ID that will have to be used to login 2021. Hope you found it helpful. If you have any further questions feel free to post it here!!
Hello student,
Hope you are in good health , so the answer to your question as follows:-
First of all there is no registration number for NEET 2021, as during registration the website asked for permanent email id and phone number of student to get register and further process by using this mail id or phone number.
After getting register you will log in through your registered email/phone number then fill the form after that you will get the application number of NEET .
So , don't be confused between these .
Here i am providing you with the link of neet mock test paper please do it as NEET is within a week:-
Hope this helps!Thankyou
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