is there an option in csir ugc net june 2021application form to apply for both Ls and jrf?I can see only two option eitherLsonly or jrf only.may i get Ls when i apply for jrf only ,but didnot get the cuttoff for jrf but the cut off for LS is cleared?
Greetings, Aspirant
CSIR UGC NET conducts the exam every year for LS and JRF program.
Candidates can either apply for LS or JRF. They cannot apply for both.
CSIR UGC NET assembles the merit list to assign Lectureship and JRF to the meritorious candidates.
Candidates who qualify for the cut-off for the lectureship program can apply for the post of assistant professor in different universities and colleges. Still, they will not be eligible for the regular Junior research fellowship program.
Prospects who qualify for the NET-JRF exam will get a chance to kickstart their higher education and research in their desired subject or specialization.
If you have applied for JRF :-
1) clear the qualifying cut off then you will be eligible for LS also.
2) do not clear the cut off for JRF you will not be eligible for LS.
I hope it helps. Good Luck.
Thank you
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