Last rank alloted in cmc vellore in 2017
The minimum required marks will have to be secured by the applicant in the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET). If any applicant fails to score the required marks then he/she will not be allowed to participate in the admission process.
The cutoff of the applicants differ according to the category of the applicants. All applicants are required to qualify the centralised medical entrance examination. The qualifying marks has to be scored by the medical aspirants otherwise he/she will be disqualified from the admission process.
CMC Vellore MBBS 2017 Cutoff
The marks required by the medical aspirants to be considered eligible for admission is given below in the table. The applicants can check the given cutoff to know if they match the criteria or not. The determined cutoffs are different for each category on account of the prevailing reservation policies. The applicants will have to meet the criteria of the category in order to be eligible for the subsidized qualifying marks. CMC Vellore will not be conducting their entrance examination but will be giving admissions based on the marks secured by the applicants in NEET 2017
Category of the Applicants & Minimum Qualifying Percentage
Unreserved Category 50%
Physically Challenged Category (Unreserved) 45%
Scheduled Tribe 40%
Scheduled Caste 40%
Other Backward Classes 40%
Physically Challenged Category (SC/ST/OBC) 40%
The Christian Medical College Vellore will be conducting counselling sessions for admissions into the 100 medical seats offered by the institute. Registrations can be done through online application forms which will be released tentatively in the 1st week of June, 2017. All interested applicants will have to fill the application form and submit it tentatively till the 1st week of July, 2017. The merit list of all of the selected applicants will be released along with their rankings. Counselling of the qualified applicants will be done tentatively in the 1st week of August, 2017. The applicants will be called in for counselling based on their ranking in the merit list and will be allotted seats.
Hello anagha
Christian Medical College did not conduct admission to the State seats for the academic year 2017-18. Only one student was allotted seat on the basis of All India Counselling. the matter is with the Supreme court, and as of yet, no verdict has been released. So, there is no cut-off data of the previous year for this college. as of this year, pending the verdict of the Supreme Court, it is likely that the admissions for the state seats will be conducted on the basis of NEET UG scores only.
And if you are a Hindu candidate and not Christian hope less for the seat in cmc vellore as Totally cmc consist of 119 seats and they are divided in to many quotas
1. 89 seats for Christians
2. 4 or 5 seats for Hindus
3. 20 seats for the students whose parents is working in cmc as a doctor or nurse or physiotherapist
4. Rest of the seat belongs to NRI candidate
Good luck I hope this information helps you
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