Mba from fostiima business school new delhi is worth in terms of ROI.?
The fees structure of Fostiima Business School, New Delhi for 2 years PGDM course is around Rs. 7, 75,000/-
It offers an average package of around Rs. 8 lakhs per annum. Highest salary touches to around Rs. 12 lakhs per annum. For international placements, average salary touched to Rs. 18 lakhs per annum and highest salary offered was 25 lakhs per annum.
Its top Recruiters are:
American Express
Maruti Suzuki
Axis Bank
Aditya Birla Group
Hence, in terms of the Return on Investment (ROI) it is good as fees is less compared to other B-Schools. Even if you apply to other B-Schools (considering you have cleared their entrance exam cutoffs and other profile criterias) having a fees of around 20 lakhs or so; but offering a much better placement then you can opt for student loans in this case. It is your call; take a decision considering all these factors.
Hope this addresses.
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