my daughter Unnathi (B.C.B) got 502 Telangana State rank ... in which Medical College does she get MBBS!?
Answer (1)
See Mr Srinivas firstly I would like 2 congratulate u'r daughter on getting dat rank as I'm a freaky far better statsman in MBBS field, perhaps I can say u about Telangana, as per my knowledge u'r daughter's category rank (OBC) in da state will be around 160+.....Nd f u'r BC-B category rank would be around 35-45..So in Telangana BC-b has 4%reserved seats in2 which dey hav 2 fill so in osmania med u'r cat have around 10 seats in which 33% ZZ reserved for girls Nd in Gandhi nd kmc around 8seats in each Nd in dem remain da same 33%reservtn ..... here it self if v count dat number f seats dat seat number has gone 2 around 26 Nd among that 26 seats f dose top 3 colleges as dis 33% zz applicable u'r daughter stand a fair chance2 get into kakathiya medical college (kmc) in 1st counseling or if luck favoured u by eliminating those guys who r in front f u'r daughter belonging 2 u'r category in2 AIIMS or jipmer...Den u'r daughter can get Gandhi even if it ZZ a second round counseling.....Hope dis helps....If any further doubts feel free 2 revert

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