My nata rank is 2019 .where i get seat ...easily in bnglr
Council of Architecture (COA) only conducted the NATA 2018 entrance exam but the body is not responsible for conducting the NATA counselling for admission. Universities/ colleges and states offering B.Arch programmes will conduct their own separate counselling based on NATA 2018 scores for admission. These institutes will conduct the NATA 2018 counselling after the declaration of result by COA, for the qualified candidates. Candidates who wish to participate in NATA counselling 2018 must check and meet the eligibility criteria of the university/ college to which they are applying for. Apart from this, candidates should also keep track of important dates so that they know the dates for the individual counselling of NATA 2018 once they know their result. There are more than 400 institutes that accept NATA scores and these colleges/institutes in different states will hold the counselling for NATA 2018.
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NATA Sample Papers
Candidates can download NATA Question/Sample papers from here for better preparation.