My rank in Pu ballb list is 283 what are my chances ?
Considering your rank in the combined merit list for admission in BA LLB course is 283, your chances for UILS in the first counselling itself is a little less. You will have better chances in the subsequent counsellings for UILS. There are usually around 7-10 rounds based on number of vacancies and more.
There are 120 seats each for BALLB and BCOM LLB in the Chandigarh campus, 60 each in regional centres. So for the Chandigarh campus if your rank in the BA LLB merit list after combination of both scores is uner 150-180 you'll have a fair chance in the first counselling itself.
And with your rank and marks in boards your chances seem good for the regional centres in the first round. And slightly less chances for Chandigarh in the first counselling. Try in the next ones if you don't get in first.
Best of luck

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