My son bcom grade is D (45to49.99%) but his total semester total marks is 51% So he eligible for MBA course.
Hello Wilson,
If the marks written on his certificate is 51% and there is no conversion rule followed after that i.e. there are no guidelines that have been explicitly laid down by the university where your son studied, then you can safely enroll him for any management exam. Coming to the other side of the situation, if there has been any guideline from your university that has been explicitly mentioned by them for the conversion of semester total marks to final percentage then that will be a problem later on.
Reason for saying this is, he might end up giving the management exams safely with 51%. But during the time of GDPI in top B-schools, a thorough verification will be done and every conversion guideline will also be checked by them that has been issued by the universities. At that time, there are high chances that his candidature will be rejected. This is what happens in the top 30 to 40 B-schools.
So you might want to cross check with your son's Bcom college/university guidelines once before taking any step.
Please let me know if you need any other information.