number of female candidates appearing jeeadvanced 2018?
The HRD Ministry has asked the IITs to release separate merit list for female candidates from the academic year 2018-2019 to ensure that each of the IITs admit at least 14% female candidates. Until now, there was only one common JEE Advanced merit list that was published for both male and female candidates. Once the new rules take effect, the admission authorities have to publish separate merit list for girl candidates if their number in the combined list is below 14 percent. The quota is supernumerary in nature, meaning the number of seats for boys will not be reduced. Consequently, the IITs will have to create new seats to accommodate the additional number of girl candidates that they have to take in the upcoming session. It may be noted that the merit list is prepared based on marks obtained by the candidate in Paper I and II of JEE Advanced.
Visit official website of JEE ADVANCED to know how much number of girls have appeared.
In a press release dated May 8, the organizing chairman of JEE Advanced has shared the category-wise registrations for the entrance exam. The authorities have also shared the gender-wise break up of registration details, with male candidates (127793) easily out numbering female candidates (32923).