pdpu cse or charusat cse which is good choice?
CHARUSAT has excellence rating and the college has good placement record around 98 percentage exclusively for computer science and information technology department. PDPU also has good rating and good infrastructure facility.Both colleges has many facilities and specialities.But choosing the college should be based on your personal interest.Before deciding the college explore all things in mind.
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Hope this will be helpful.
Best of luck.
Hi Aspirant,
Charusat is better than PDPU.Chaurusat has excellence rating. The college has good placement record around 98 percentage exclusively for computer science and information technology department. PDPU also has good rating and good infrastructure facility.According to Computer science domain Chaurusat is better than PDPU.PDPU is specialized for Petroleum and Mechanical Engineering branches.But choosing the college should be based on your personal interest.Before deciding the college explore all things in mind.
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Hi Aspirant,
Chaurusat is better than PDPU.Chaurusat has excellence rating. The college has good placement record around 98 percentage exclusively for computer science and information technology department. PDPU also has good rating and good infrastructure facility.According to Computer science domain Chaurusat is better than PDPU.PDPU is specialized for Petroleum and Mechanical Engineering branches.But choosing the college should be based on your personal interest.Before deciding the college explore all things in mind.
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The first thing to note is that CHARUSAT is exceptional in teaching CSE. PDPU is a new player in the CSE field and focuses in the Petroleum and Mechanical disciplines.
Second, PDPU's undergraduate programme is significantly more costly than CHARUSAT's. Although it provides superior on-campus housing, living at CHARUSAT will give you an unparalleled opportunity to experience college life while studying.
Additionally, and this is ultimately what counts, CHARUSAT provides 100% placement in the CE and IT fields. Because CHARUSAT has earned an accreditation grade of "A" from NAAC, it will be a better location to study if you intend to continue your education overseas. In comparison to other colleges that compete with CHARUSAT, foreign universities will view CHARUSAT as a superior institution.
Good Luck!!