Please guide on what are the steps to became an IAS after 12 th. Please answer in detail and step vice??????
UPSC Civil Service Exam consists of three stages-
To give you a brief about the exam;
Prelims is mcq based, it's numbers are not added in the final list, but still in order to face it, speed,accuracy and knowledge is required. It consists of 200 Marks for each paper. First is GS Paper-I consists of the following topic such as History of India and Indian national movement, Indian and World geography, Economic and social development- sustainable development, poverty,inclusion demographics, social sector initiatives etc,Indian polity and governance-constitution,political system,Current Events nationally and Internationally, General Science,General Issues on environmental ecology,biodiversity and climate change. for this paper you just need to score the required cut offs against your category.
Second paper is CSAT which is qualifying in nature,
you need to score 33% that is only 66 marks out of 200, it includes topics such as basic numeracy, comprehension, logical reasoning and analytical ability, general mental ability, decision making and problem solving, interpersonal skills including communication skills.
Mains is more of a subjective type, one needs to write answer for Four General Studies Paper such as
GS-I includes Indian Heritage and Culture,History and Geography of the World and Society,
GS-II includes Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and International Relations,
GS-III includes Technology, Economic Development, Bio-Diversity, Environment, Security and Disaster Management,
GS-IV includes Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude
In addition to above four papers, there are two optionals, one essay, two language paper, there are total nine papers here. 250 marks for each paper, total is 1750 marks which is further followed by Personality Test of 275 marks.
You can go through the following steps in order to start your preparation:
The first and most important step towards preparation is to be well acquainted with UPSC Syllabus , learn it by heart, that's the most crucial step to crack this exam, to know what to read and what to skip. In addition to this, never ever make a differentiation between prelims and mains, because nowadays what's happening is even in prelims, UPSC frame questions based on Mains syllabus, So, have an integrated approach for both Preliminary and Mains.
Make a timetable,set targets on a daily,weekly and monthly basis,that's the only way to complete this humongous syllabus.
Start reading any newspaper like The Hindu, or Indian Express on a regular basis to be updated as well as gaining knowledge which shall be highly useful to you in future exam preparation part. Put a more emphasis on editorial part, it will not only broaden your perspective but help a lot in answer writing,and make sure whatever opinion you form it should be well balanced. You can also make notes of this,it'll be very useful in answer writing.
When it comes to reading books ,start with basics, for each subject, you can do with NCERTs for this. This will build your foundation strong,as you progress, move on to other relevant books as mentioned below;
For Prelims, refer the following books:
History ;
NCERT Class XI and XII
India's Struggle for Independence by Bipin Chandra
For Indian Culture, refer art and culture by Nitin Singhania
Geography ;
GC Leong's Physical Geography
World Atlas
Economics ;
Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh
International Relations & Polity ;
NCERT XII Political Science with current affairs
Indian Polity by Laxmikanth
Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning by RS Agarwal
M Tyra's Quicker Maths
Coming to Mains Exam, you can refer the following books for four General Studies Paper;
GS I - For History , Class XI NCERT book with India's struggle for Independence by Bipin Chandra,India after Independence by Bipan Chandra,History of Medieval India by Satish Chandra
For Geography refer World Geography and Geography of India by Majid Hussain, GC Leong's Physical and Human Geography with NCERT Class XI book.
For GS II - Polity and International Relations , refer Indian Polity by Lamikanth,India's Foreign Policy by Rajiv Sikri
For GS III - For Economics refer Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh, read ARC report along with Economic Survey and Fiscal Budget.
For GS IV - For Ethics refer a book named Lexicon by Niraj Kumar, also you can go through study material of IGNOU.
Remember to keep resources minimal always, read one book many a times instead of many a book one time, and revision is very very important in this case.
Start practicing answer writing in advance, even in a little way, Writing mains is a huge task, for nine paper it requires immense practice along with knowledge. There are many sites which provide questions on daily basis you can avail that. Try to give a holistic viewpoint while answer writing by providing political,economical and social aspect. Also, do check out toppers answer sheet available on various upsc exam sites, it will give you an idea about how to present your answer and in what way you can fetch more marks.
Go through previous year question paper which you can get from the site of UPSC,in addition mock papers, and test series which you can get it from any of the UPSC Exam Site, it's important to evaluate your performance through this process.
UPSC Exam takes two years, one year to prepare and another one to appear, so it's a long journey but if you have single-minded focus, determination and dedication, nothing can stop you, people from diverse backgrounds qualify this exam.
Dear candidate,
To Join IAS (Indian Administrative Service), you will first have to complete your graduation. After class 12th , opt for the course which you are interested in and complete your graduation in that course. You will have to appear for UPSC exam for becoming an IAS officer.
Foe step wise details please visit the link below:
Good Luck !!
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