Respected sir, when will be ap eamcet application correction date is available after few days or not. Is there any chance to remove the correction window due to lockdown. Please reply to me sir as soon as possible.
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Hello aspirant,
The correction date is yet not announced by the council but you can still apply for it as there is late fee associated with it and you will have to pay it as you are late to apply, but if you have already applied and are waiting to change some details you have to wait till the last date of filling the form after that only the correction date will be announced.
I would suggest you to re apply as soon as possible, because chances of having a correction is pretty low so you can reapply by just paying a late fee of Rs 500, after 30th june it will increase to 1000 and so on, so please re apply as soon as possible.
I hope it helps.
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