Sir, I am securing 400-480 in Allen neet online test series and I am preparing at home., Sir how can I increase my score?
All the best, keep working hard and smartly!
Start with the subject in which u think improvement is difficult for u ....
First I need to know what do u think about ur score .
Ur week and strong subjects and how are u working ..
Because improvement is a relative term so first I need to know ur way then i will tell u mine

Now try to like physics then u will find it easy .
The primary thing is that ur concepts should be clear . Each and every concept has to be clear because we can't afford to skip any chapter .
Now practice questions in a certified time even if u are practicing at home u should set a particular time for doing a certain amount of questions .
And try to solve all the questions by urself don't look for others to help before even trying them .
And before starting the paper decide ur time u should be left with atleast 1hr 15 minutes for physics and attempt physics at the end .
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