Sir what difference between b.tec And b.e Or bcece kon sa caurse krata hai
Answer (1)
If you are in a college which provides degree in other courses also, like you can do managememt courses or engineering courses then it will give you a BE degree.
But, if there is an engineering college which only gives engineering degree and no other courses are available there, then it will be called btech.
Every bcece engineering colleges are specially for engineering, so it will give you a btech degree.
Actually there is no difference between BE & Btech. If you got a btech degree then you may also be called BE holder.
But, if there is an engineering college which only gives engineering degree and no other courses are available there, then it will be called btech.
Every bcece engineering colleges are specially for engineering, so it will give you a btech degree.
Actually there is no difference between BE & Btech. If you got a btech degree then you may also be called BE holder.
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