Sir what is the pecentage of CGPA 7.89 in Engineering Dbatu?
For example if you have 7.89 cgpa and you have convert in percentage then simply multiply by 9.5 you will get of percentage
7.89*9.5 =74.9 %
So these a way to convert Cgpa into percentage
Hope it will clear all your doubts
All the very best for your future!
Hello Mohammed,
An up to date assessment of the overall performance of a student from the time he entered the Institute is obtained by calculating the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of a student. The CGPA is a weighted average of the grade points obtained in all the courses registered by the student since s/he entered the Institute. CGPA is also calculated at the end of every semester (up to two decimal places).
- Subject wise indicative percentage of marks = 9.5 x GP of the Subject.
- Overall indicative percentage of marks = 9.5 x CGPA
Why multiply with 9.5 only?
The Board took the result of the last five years and calculated the average marks of all candidates who had scored between 91 and 100. That average turned out to be close to 95 marks. Since the equivalent Grade Point for the 91-100 band (A1 grade) of marks is 10, it then divided the average result of 95 by 10. The result is 9.5
Please use the link for your reference.
Percentage is calculated as mentioned in the document of university -
Percentage of Marks = (CGPA – 0.5) x 10.
= 7.89-0.5=7.39*10=73.9%
So, you got 73.9% with your cgpa as per DBATU.