Sir/madam where and how to apply obc-pwd certificate pls where i get how i get
Hi Shaik Mahaboob Basha,
Different medical boards are established by ministry of government of India in each state, which has given the responsibility to issue the pwd certificate to any differently able person.
The procedure is as follows :-
- If possible, it is advisable to speak with the hospital you’re planning to visit about what documents are required for the issuance of disability certificate.
- You should keep the referral slip safe as you will need on every visit to the hospital. Medical board is constituted by five doctors. It is not uncommon that one or more doctors will not be present in the hospital. In such a case the evaluation will not take place and you may have to return home with a next date in hand.
- When full board will meet and your disability will be evaluated — you will be given another date when you can again go to the hospital and collect your disability certificate.
Degree of disability is indicated by percentage. Higher the impact of the disability — higher would be the disability percentage.
Hope this will be helpful for you.
Good luck.