top 10 mba college in tamilnadu
PG institute of management
Thaigarajar school of business
Loyola institute
Great lake
Bharathidasan institute
These are some college
here are the list of some top MBA colleges in tamilnadu :-
1. Department of managment studies , IIT, Madras
2. Great lakes institute of managment, chennai
3. Loyola institute of business administration, chennai
4. KCT business school, coimbatore
5. Vel tech business scholl, chennai
6. Anna university, chennai
7. PSG institute of managment, coimbatore
8. Department of managment studies, NIT, tiruchirapalli
9. Amrita school of business, coimbatore
10. Sona school of managment, salem
Here are some of the best MBA colleges in Tamil Nadu
Anna University,Chennai
PSG institute of management,combiatore
Loyola Institute of Business Administration, Chennai
Thiagarajar school of management, Madurai
Great Lakes institute of management, Chennai
Bharathidasan Institute of management, Tiruchirapalli
Vellore institute of technology, Vellore
Hindustan University,Padur
University of Madras, Chennai
Indian Institute of management, Chennai
Hope it will help you to find your best college