top colleges and course codes for tseamcet
Here is the list of some of the top colleges accepting TS EAMCET exam score:
1. University College of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad
2. CVR college of engineering, Hyderabad
3. Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad
4. Institute of aeronautical Engineering, Hyderabad
5. Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science, Warangal
6. VNR vignan Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
7. Vardhaman College of Engineering, Hyderabad
8. Anurag Group of institutions, ghatkesar
9. BV Raju Institute of Technology, Narsapur
10. BVRIT Hyderabad college of Engineering for women, Hyderabad
For more relevant information, you may visit here:
Hope this helps, all the best.
Dear Student,
Below mentioned are few top colleges of telangana along with there eamcet codes based on many categories like year of experience , academics ,placements, events , Ranking ,many more.
- JNTH JNTU College Of Engineering
- OUCE OU College of Engineering
- CBIT Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology
- VASV Vasavi College of Engineering
- VJEC V N R Vignan Jyothi Institute of Engineeing and Technology
- SNIS Srinidhi Institute of SCI and Technology
- MVSR MVSR Engineering College
- JNKR JNTU College of Enginering Karimnager
- MGIT Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology
- GRRR Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Eng and Technology
- KUWL KU College of Engineering and Technology
- CVRH CVR College of Engineering
- BVRI B V Raju Institute of Technology
- KITS Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science
- KMIT Keshav Memorial Institute of Technology
- JNTM JNTU College of Engineering Manthani
- VMEG Vardhaman College of Enginering
- JNTS JNTU College of Engineering Sultanpur
- KUCE KU College of Eng Kothagudam
- JBIT JB Institute of Eng and Technology
- CVSR Anurag GRP of Inst-CVSR College of Eng
- MECS Matrusri Engineering College
- GNIT Gurunanak Ins of Technology
- IRMC P Indra Reddy Memorial Engineering College
- TKRC T K R College of Eng and Technology
- MRTN ST.Martins Engineering College
- IARE Institute of Aeronautical Engineering
- CMRK C M R College of Eng and Technology
- MREC Mallareddy Engineering College
- INDU SRI Indu College of Eng and Technology
For more details, you can visit the given link :-
Happy Learning!