UPSC CS we can consider as important but how can we write the exam do we get any hall- ticket or we can directly can write the exam & center

Vanichinni Moguluri 31st Oct, 2017
Answer (1)
Gaurav Shukla 31st Jan, 2018

Firstly you need to understand what UPSC CS is all about. You write this exam to become IAS officer and there are certain eligibility for appearing in this exam.

Yes you get hall ticket and without that you won't be able to write exam.

IAS is the short form ofIndian Administrative Service. It is one of the prestigiousservices among the 24 services like IPS, IFS etc for the which the UPSC conduct Civil Services Examination (CSE) for selecting the candidates. An officer selected into the Indian Administrative Service gets exposure in very diverse roles like the collector, commissioner, head of public sector units, chief secretary, cabinet secretary etc. Not only the experience and challenges but also the scope of making positive changes in the life of millions in India makes IAS a unique career choice.

How to become an IAS officer?

Even though the exam to be undertaken is popularly known as IAS exam, it is officially called UPSCCivil Services Exam. The UPSC CSE consists of 3 stages  Prelims, Mains, and Interview.Getting into Indian Administrative Service is not easy considering the competition involved, but not impossible for a candidate with right attitude and approach.

IAS Exam Eligibility Criteria

The educational qualification needed to appear in UPSC CSE is a degree (graduation) in any subject. Final year students can also apply. Aspirants may go through the article to theeligibility criteria for writing UPSC CSE exam.

I hope things are pretty clear to you.

Cheers !!

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