Vit or nit durgapur , which one is a better college in terms of CSE ?
According, to careers 360 VIT has AAAA+ rating which means outstanding and NIT Durgapur has AAAA which means very good.
Ratings are based on Faculty, Placements, Cut-offs of national / state level Entrance exams, Accreditation and Reward status and Publication record from Elsevier’s indexing database - Scopus.
In NIRF, Ranking VIT is in 16th position and NIT Durgapur is in 55th position.
According, to VIT officials Companies like Microsoft, Amazon, De Shaw have recruited students with a package of more than 10 lakhs per annum.
Companies like Flipkart, Intel, Akamai, Cisco, Yahoo, Oracle, Google, KLA Tencor, Dolcera have recruited the students with packages of more than Rs. 7,00,000 per annum.
Reputed software companies like, SAP Labs, VM Ware, Commvault, GE Healthcare, Athena, Citrix, Honeywell, ebay, Capital IQ etc., recruit students with pay packages over Rs. 5,00,000/-
According, to NIT Durgapur their 2017 placement report average salary is 6.5 LPA and maximum salary will be 29 LPA
Good Luck!!