what are all subjects are there in Electronics and communication engineering?
Semester 1:
- Engineering Mathematics I
- Engineering Mathematics II
- Engineering Physics
- Engineering Chemistry
- Programming in C and Data structures
- Computer Programming Laboratory
- Elements of Civil Engineering & Engineering Mechanics
- Computer Aided Engineering Drawing
Semester 2:
Elements of Mechanical Engineering
Basic Electronics & Communication Engineering
Basic Electronics
Constitution of India and Professional Ethics
Environmental Studies
Engineering Physics Lab
Engineering Chemistry Lab
Workshop Practice
Semester 3:
Engg. Mathematics III
Analog Electronic Cuircuits
Logic Design
Network Analysis
Electronic Instrumentation
Field Theory
Analog Electronics Lab
Logic Design Lab
Semester 4:
Engg. Mathematics IV
Control Systems
Signals & Systems
Fundamentals of HDL
Linear ICs & Applications
Microcontrollers Lab
Semester 5:
Management and Entrepreneurship
Digital Signal Processing
Analog Communication
Information Theory & Coding
Fundamentals of CMOS
Analog Communication
Lab + LIC Lab
Semester 6:
Digital Communication
Microelectronics Circuits
Antennas and Propagation
Operating Systems
Advanced Communication Lab
Microprocessor Lab
Semester 7:
Computer Communication Networks
Optical Fiber Communication
Power Electronics
Embedded System Design
Power Electronics Lab
Semester 8:
Wireless Communication
Digital Switching Systems
Project Work EC
Seminar EC
Electronics and Communications Engineering is one of the finest branches of engineering which involves research, development, design, testing and maintainence of various electronic equipments and also includes the core study of the communication concepts as well as various fundamentals of electronics engineering.
Now the courses vary from one college to another.
Some of the subjects common in almost all colleges include:
- Basic Electronics Circuits and Design
- Analog Electronics and Circuits
- Networks and Transmission Lines
- Signals and Systems
- Analog Communications
- Circuit Theory
- Digital Electronics and Design
- Digital Communications
- Digital Signal Processing
- Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
- Microwave engineering
- Analog VLSI Design
- Digital VLSI Design
- Embedded Systems
- Optical Fiber Communication
For best colleges and more details:
Hope this helps!
Dear Student,
here are some of the important subjects that are taught in the branch of Electronics and Communication Engineering :-
- Digital Communication Techniques
- Adaptive Signal Processing
- Antenna System Design
- Wireless Networks
- Statistical Signal Processing
- Radar & Navigational Systems
- Optical Communication and Networks
- VLSI Signal Processing
All the best!!