What are the criterias for an Indian student to take SATs and get accepted by MIT?
Hey there,
Requirements are identical for Indians as for any other foreign student applying from any country! You get no special perks, passes, or anything else. Yes, your competition for admission is extreme - it's about the toughest competition for admission of any university in the world. Yes, your competition has an extensive array of AP & Honors level courses, especially in multiple sciences and math, calculus, etc. Yes, your competition is all straight-A students with GPAs of 4.0 or mighty close to it (out of 4.0). SATs scores exceeding 750 on each of the 3 parts, with totals over 2200, even well over 2300 (applicants with SAT of 2400, the absolute max, is not unheard of!).
Intel International Science Fair is widely observed (sort of the Big Kahuna of science competitions for high school students) - must be significant ORIGINAL research entirely conducted on your own. And you work your way up through various competitions to win regional, national, eventually get your project accepted into international competition. Winner gets a really nice scholarship. There are lots of academic competitions for high school students. MIT invites very top-flight high school students to apply to MIT - IF they want you, they'll come to you.
Creative writer? Published by which publishing house where & how is it doing on respected bestseller lists? Basketball player? Winning team? Ae you first- or second-string? Team captain or any elective leadership position? Guitarist? How good? Write your own original material? Recorded by leading record label? See, these are the kinds of achievements lots of MIT, Harvard, Stanford applicants already have.
You failed to mention or else lack: community service & volunteer work, leadership - elective offices (such as Student Council, etc), initiative (e.g. starting a community service program & keep running it, building it for 4-6 years). Evidence of "good moral character" (e.g. Boy Scouts, Eagle Scout, Girl Scouts, more) is becoming a major concern of many schools and you need some way to prove that!
So now figure out how you & your achievements stack up against the competition. Also, figure out the money. We're talking really Big Time Bucks here. R-e-a-l-l-y big. All the best.
Thank you.