what are the major differences between cse and IT in engineering?
IT is more focused on the practical aspect where CSE consists more balanced approach between theory and application part. CSE deals more about the software, building of micro-processors, functioning of computing but IT deals with the business side of computing, database, business and accounting. The major difference between these two branch is computer science offers the candidate more variety of concepts related to computers and IT give the opportunity to discover real life application and innovative methods to use those concepts.
You can learn more about these courses from the links below
CSE: https://www.careers360.com/courses/computer-science-engineering-course
IT: https://www.careers360.com/courses/b-tech-in-information-technology
Good luck!
Both are very good department of engineering in right now. CSE is computer science and engineering course. It's basically computer basis course. You have to coding in this course. You can do algorithm, programming languages, program design, software and hardware design.
Now come to the IT department. It's called information technology engineering. It's involved an architectural approach for planning, designing. The goal of IT engineer to resources such as capital, people with improved the buisness.
This is the major difference between both.
All the best.