What are the streams in mba in XIMB?
Hi Megha,
I believe you are talking about IBS Business School in the question. ICFAI Business Schools (IBS) has 9 campuses all over the country – Hyderabad, Dehradun, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Gurgaon, Jaipur, Kolkata, Mumbai, and Pune. IBS offers 2-year full time MBA course and PGPM course in Business Analytics. The institute offers electives such as Finance, HR, Marketing, Operations etc. in the fourth semester of the course.
The institute takes admission through its entrance exam – IBSAT which will be conducted on December 22 & 23. The application forms are available from July 1. All the details about the exam are here – IBSAT 2018 .
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Hope that’s helpful. All the best.

Heloo, there are various streams like mba finance mba exectutives etc.. i am providing u a link where you can select academics option there you will all the info..