What are the total number of seats in iit 2019
Last year the total seats were around 10,957 which are replaced with 11279 seats in 2018. The supernumerary seats for female candidates can not exceed 10% of total number of available seats in IITs.
According to information posted on the JEE Advanced website, the seats include IIT Hyderabad (210), IIT Bhubaneswar (160), IIT Bombay (880), IIT Mandi (120), IIT Delhi (851), IIT Indore (120), IIT Kharagpur (1341), IIT Jodhpur (200), IIT Kanpur (827), IIT Madras (838), IIT Gandhinagar (140), IIT Patna (200), IIT Roorkee (1105), IIT Ropar (120), IIT (BHU) Varanasi (1090).
Good Luck!
Hi Mohd,
The total number of seats in IIT 2018 was 11326. This year the board members of IIT have decided to increase the total number of seats to 13,376. The decision was taken due to implemention of 10% reservation for EWS. Almost 25% of seats in the IIT institutes wil go up.
Let me know if youhave any ,more questions.
There are total 23 IITs in India. Altogether they offer a total of 11289 seats.
The maximum number of seats are being offered byIIT Kharagpur(1342) followed byIIT Varanasi(1071) andIIT Roorkee(975).Admission to the IITs will be done on the basis ofJoSAA counsellingand thetotal number of seats in IITswill be allocated on merit basis keeping the reservation policy in mind
Hope it helps
The maximum number of seats are being offered by IIT Kharagpur (1342) followed by IIT Varanasi (1071) and IIT Roorkee (975). Admission to the IITs will be done on the basis of joSAA counselling and the total number of seats in IITs will be allocated on merit basis keeping the reservation policy in mind. Total Seats in IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) The institute wise seats will be updated soon. There are in all 23 IITs that will offer 11,289 seats for this academic session.
Hope this helps! Good luck!
Hello bilal,
According to latest update total no seats in nit and iit are as follows :-
Seat in IIT are -11,169
Seat in NIT are-17,868
Total no seats in nit and iit are -29057 for 2018 counseling.
Total nearly 36k seats if included iiit, gfti along With nit and iit.
Recently Govt take an important decision to increase the percentage of girl in nit and iit.
for more details and seat matrix visit: https://josaa.nic.in/SeatInfo/root/SeatMatrix.aspx