what is career scope of artificial intelligence
Hi bhavana,
As you are looking for building you career in Artificial Intelligence, We will brief you more about it and scope in India and foreign.
Artificial Intelligence refers to Simulation of Human Intelligence in Machines that are programmed to think like human. In simple words as Humanoid Robots that are well program to perform some human actions. AI has Huge scope in foreign compared to india. India is growing in AI sectors and has much time to compete with other countries. Many AI companies such as
- Honeywell Automation.
- PFizer.
- Intellect design etc.
are well established foreign companies in india whose main focuses is on AI. AI has various course such as Machine Learning, Big Data, Pattern recognition etc.
Few AI examples are
- Speech Recognition.
- Image Recognition.
- Stock Trading.
- Robots.
- Natural Language Processing.
Jobs roles in AI are ..
- Robotic Expert.
- Military and Aviation Expert.
- Maintenance and Mechanical Engineers.
- Surgical AI Techniques.
- AI Researchers and Algorithm Specialist.
- AI analyst and Developers.
There are more sectors where AI is has huge scope. For information about scope of AI i have attached link below. Hope you find this information helpful .All the best for you career.
Thanks & Good Luck!..
Hey !
There are so many career scope in artificial intelligence which are developing the machines games,robotics, language detection,expert systems, computer vision, speech recognition machine etc.
And if you want to know more about scopes in Artificial intelligence in India you can visit here.
I hope this information might be helpful for you,
All The Best !!!