What is exactly diffrence between mba and pgdm....wht should i prefer for
Hi Priya,
There is no difference as such between MBA and PGDM. The autonomous institutes which are not affiliated to any University name their management program as PGDM as they cannot offer a degree program. For Ex. XLRI Jamshedpur, SPJIMR etc. The institutes which are affiliated to a University offer MBA degree programs. Ex. IIFT Delhi (Demmed to be University). However, from now onwards, despite being autonomous, IIMs will provide MBA degree. Both are equally acceptable professionally.
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Hope that’s helpful.

PGDM is diploma course into management but equivalent to degree and accredited and accepted by all Colleges across Globe.
Both are 2 yearsduration.
MBA is more valid in foreign Universities as compared to PGDM and that is the only advantage.
Syllabus wise PGDM has anedge as it offers more indepth and industry relevant as well as updated curriculum.
Hence in our Opinion since Placements are integrated forboth, PGDM is best option.