what is salary chemical engineers get??
On an average, you can expect a CTC of about 4 to 6 lakh per annum in private sector, and public sector companies or PSU offer a CTC upwards of 12 lakh, with maximum CTC offered being about 17 lakh from oil sector giants like IOCL and BPCL. Exact in hand salary cannot be calculated that easily, as you know there are many deductions that the company makes on your CTC. although even this could be estimated if you do some research about the company. You can start out by figuring out your the tax bracket based on your expected CTC, and assume a 15 to 30 % deductions for all the perks/facilities that the company offers, divide this figure by 12 to get a range of figures for expected monthly salary.

The salary scope after completing chemical engineering is good. You will get better salary packages if you have graduated from some of the reputed engineering colleges as they conduct campus placements and international firms such as Schlumberger and Johnson Matthey participate in the placement process.
It is important that you pursue your degree from reputed colleges in order to secure good jobs. Graduates from IITs may get salaries of up to Rs. 20 lakhs per annum offered by international firms. Salary packages from others colleges can vary from Rs. 2,50,000 to Rs. 9,00,000 per annum.
Hope this helps.