What is the different of cmrit & cmru.cmrit rating is avarege.but cmru is not rating?
Hello shaik Babu,
If you specifically ask about CMR University, then I regret to inform you in capital letters, that it SUCKS, big time!
I left Mumbai to pursue triple majors there which was well advertised by their admissions counsellor and placement officer (psychology, literature and what Bombay was not offering in BA - Journalism)… within a week I was informed that Journalism was not a major, just a side subject! Leaving Mumbai, all for nothing...
The whole college has a lazy vibe to it, the teachers are present in the college but will never and I mean never come to teach.. instead they’ll ask you to write essays on amateur topics for attendance!!!
I’ll share a funny incident, we had our exams and our Journalism professor didn’t give us any notes (she never came to teach lmao) and the day before she tells us, “what are you’ll so worried about, it’s just a damn 20 marks test” and promises to send the notes by 3 in the afternoon (yes, the day before the exam)! But surprise, surprise she has a family wedding to attend and so doesn’t send the notes at all (delaying all the while, “I’ll send by 5pm, I’ll send by 9pm, I’ll send by 11pm”, and then nothing.. and because she didn’t send the notes everyone in our class got 19 on 20...
That is how great CMR university is! I was lucky enough to leave it in 6 months because as soon as I came to know that they keep your original documents for the next 3 years and don’t return until you pay the fees for the 3 years, I decided to leave immediately while I still had my documents!!!
I’ll tell you one thing, Mumbai University may not be that great but at least you pay 3k for the whole year and don’t learn a lot, instead of paying 90k (excluding the exam fees) and not learning anything at all...
Ps- The library has no books at all, nothing, nada. There are no extra curricular activities, fests or anything held in the college. Each one of my friend is still crying, they got stuck up because of the certificates...
For more information about CMR institute of technology please visit this link:
Hope this helps...
Thank you and all the best...