What is the eligibility criteria and last date of application.
Candidates can fill the online application till March 31, 2018 and offline application till March 1, 2018.SRMJEEE 2018 will be conducted from April 16 to April 30, 2018 in online mode by SRM University.Admission to 7,000 undergraduate engineering seats at the four campuses of SRM will be offered on the basis of the candidates performance in SRMJEEE 2018.SRMJEEE 2018 hall ticket will be available in online mode from April 7.
For full information about eligibility criteria and other details of SRMJEEE 2018 you can refer to below given link:
Good luck.
dear aspiree , you might wish to refer the below link for more details:
Eligiblity criteria for SRMJEE:
Date of Birth:The date of birth of the applicants must be between July 1, 1997 and July 1, 2002.
Nationality:Students with Indian nationality/ Non-Resident Indians (NRI)/ Person of Indian Origin (PIO)/ Overseas Citizens of India (OCI) card holders will be eligible to apply for SRMJEEE 2018. However, if they have not applied and appeared for the entrance exam, they will have to apply under the international candidate's category.
SRMJEEE Eligibility Criteria 2018 - Academic Requirements:
All candidates should have qualified 10+2 (or equivalent) examination in regular stream from any recognized board from any state board within India, CBSE, ISCE, Matriculation, or NIOS. Those candidates who will be appearing for their class XII in 2018 will also be eligible to apply.
Candidates must have studied Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics / Biology / Botany & Zoology/ Biotechnology as major subjects in their 10+2 or equivalent.
Candidates who have studied International Baccalaureate (IB) with Diploma or A-level with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics / Biology / Botany & Zoology/ Biotechnology as major subjects in any International schools within India are also eligible to apply forSRMJEEE 2018.
Candidates who have NOT studied Mathematics as one of the subjects in their 10+2 or equivalent will be eligible only for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering programmes.
Only those candidates who have passed the above mentioned qualifying examination in not more than 2 attempts will be considered for B.Tech admissions.
- SRMJEEE 2018 Eligibility Criteria for Direct Admissions
SRM Universityoffers direct admissions to the top rank holders of Central and State Board examinations.
Top 1,000 IIT JEE rank holders will also be eligible for direct admissions into the institute.
Top rankers in each district of Tamil Nadu and exemplary sports persons at National and International level will also be eligible for direct admissions.
Use the link below to see the min. % requiremnt for diffrnt SRM campuses.
Keep tuned toengineering.careers360.comto know more about SRMJEEE 2018.
Candidates must have studied Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics / Biology / Botany & Zoology/ Biotechnology as major subjects in their 10+2 or equivalent.
Candidates who have studied International Baccalaureate (IB) with Diploma or A-level with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics / Biology / Botany & Zoology/ Biotechnology as major subjects in any International schools within India are also eligible to apply forSRMJEEE 2018.
Candidates who have NOT studied Mathematics as one of the subjects in their 10+2 or equivalent will be eligible only for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering programmes.
Only those candidates who have passed the above mentioned qualifying examination in not more than 2 attempts will be considered for B.Tech admissions
Last date of application form is 31 march 2018