What is the GD/PI process in BOB PO exam?
Group Discussion (GD) and Personal Interview round is an important part of the selection process. The GD/PI is conducted after the BOB PO online test. Candidates qualifying in the online test will be shortlisted for interview. The selected candidates are arranged in descending order in each category and the candidates in the order of merit, subject to 4 times the number of intake in each category, will be called for GD/PI round. Candidates have to secure the qualifying marks in online examination, Group Discussion & Interview as decided by the Bank.
The final merit list for shortlisting will be done on the basis of scores obtained by the candidates in Online test (objective + descriptive), Group Discussion and Interview.
A candidate should qualify in all stages of the selection process - online test, GD and Personal Interview and score high marks in merit to get shortlisted. The selection is subject to the vacancies available under each category.
While appearing for GD/PI, candidates should produce the below-mentioned documents:
- Printout of GD/ Interview Call Letter
- Printout of the online application form
- Birth Certificate issued by the Competent Municipal Authority or SSLC/ Std. X Certificate with DOB)
- Photo Identify Proof
- Mark sheets & certificates for educational qualifications verifications
- Caste Certificate