What is the minium percentile to score in cat 2018 for getting iim A,B,C? As I have 90% in my 10th, 94.5%in12th and 74% in my b.tech and gen
Hi Harsha,
In order to get IIM calls, you should secure at least 90+ percentile. While old IIMs like IIM Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, Lucknow and Indore usually call candidates with 99+ percentile, for the newer IIMs, the cutoff is slightly lesser, but still, 90+ percentile is what the cutoff trend is for General category candidates.
As far as non-IIMs are concerned, the cutoff range varies from institute to institute. For the top-ranked institutes like FMS Delhi, IITs (Delhi, Bombay and Madras), the CAT cutoff percentile is 99+. On the other hand, other premier B-schools like MDI Gurgaon, IMT Ghaziabad, SPJIMR Mumbai cutoffs range from 90-100 percentile. The following articles will help you understand the cutoffs of top B-schools in India: https://bschool.careers360.com/articles/which-b-schools-will-you-get-based-on-your-percentile
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It depends on the category you belong to as well. For a general above 96 percentile will provide a chance to go to the next level.
If you have any more queries feel free to contact.
Thank you
With above 90% in CAT can make sure your eligibility.
To get admission in IIM ABC :- 99+ %tile
Although these %ile are not satisy the criteria , though these parameters are not enough :
10th score,12th score,Graduation marks,Work exp..etc..!
I hope this helps.
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