What should i diet followed for Bulk Body. AGE-17 WEIGHT -65.
Answer (1)
Yeah bulking your body is not a big issue just eat whatever you want eat(just kidding)
Here, bulking is quite easier, you can bulk your body with natural foods or can go for protein/supplement which is more easier then natural Diet but it's even dangerous if you don't have a proper instructor so unless you have a proper instructor don't go with supplements.
Now, food which you should eat for bulking,
Few things which gives you instant energy which you can eat before working out or after workout
Yeah bulking your body is not a big issue just eat whatever you want eat(just kidding)
Here, bulking is quite easier, you can bulk your body with natural foods or can go for protein/supplement which is more easier then natural Diet but it's even dangerous if you don't have a proper instructor so unless you have a proper instructor don't go with supplements.
Now, food which you should eat for bulking,
- Dal
- curd rice
- Junk food makes you fat so do not over eat any kind of junk food
- eggs
- chaptis
- Potatoes
- Oatss
- beef
- Salmon
- Whole eggs (for lean people only eat the white part but for bulk you should eat entire egg)
Few things which gives you instant energy which you can eat before working out or after workout
- bread and butter
- bread and peanut butter
- juice
- Banana
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