What will be the date of result?
There will be no other mode of communication only offline level and so you should inspect the website well on the air force update to keep updated about your status in the examination

Hello Dilip,
Thanks for contacting Careers360.
The National Board of Examinations (NBE) will release the NEET PG 2019 result by January 31. The result of NEET PG 2019 will reveal the qualifying status of the candidates. The regulatory body will release the NEET PG result 2019 in online mode and not through any offline medium like post. NEET PG cut off 2019 will also be made available with the result.
Hope this helps.
Good luck!!
Hello Dilip,
The National Board of Examinations (NBE) will release the NEET PG 2019 result by January 31. The result of NEET PG 2019 will reveal the qualifying status of the candidates. The regulatory body will release the NEET PG result 2019 in online mode and not through any offline medium like a post.
Good luck!
The NBE will release the NEET PG 2019 result/cutoff declaration by 31st January. It will be released in online mode .
Hope this helps.!
Good Luck.!!